![تطبيق Cardi Mate: Heart Rate Monitor برو](https://apk-com.com/uploads/images/202310/image-512x512-651946c21fdf6.webp)
تحميل تطبيق Cardi Mate: Heart Rate Monitor برو
Pulse & Blood Pressure Diary تحميل تطبيق Cardi Mate: Heart Rate Monitor برو في تطبيقات الصحة واللياقة البدنية
Take control over your health with Cardi Mate. Knowing your vital signs is half the battle in protecting your well-being and improving your lifestyle. Think of Cardi Mate as your personal healthcare diary. In the app, you can track and record your vital signs — measure your pulse, take your blood pressure, and check oxygen saturation manually then store it in the app so it’s all available in one easy-to-access place. Store data, monitor changes and use the stats to manage your personal well-being and monitor your stats to share with your physician, keeping track of your health progress as you go.
– Personal statistics — check for changes in your vitals, monitor your health, and more.
– Health insights — learn more about the world of well-being and how it applies to you.
– Measure your pulse manually and store the data — create your own health diary!
– Blood pressure maintenance — check this handy indicator for your health. Whether too low or too high, it can be a sign that something else is going on.
تحميل تطبيق Cardi Mate: Heart Rate Monitor برو
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