Download Recueil de Prières pro
Prayers collection in French & The King James Bible Download Recueil de Prières pro in Apps Books & Reference
Series in French & The King James Bible
The prayers are grouped by category
Categories and prayers are as follows:
traditional prayers
- Sign of the Cross
- Doxology (Glory)
- Our father
- I salute you marie
- I believe in God (Apostles' Creed)
- Confiteor
- Prayer to our Guardian Angel
- Benedictus
- Te Deum
- Soul of Christ (After Communion)
- Act of Faith
- Act of hope
- Charity action
- Act of Contrition
- Benedicite (Prayer before meals)
- Grace (Prayer after meals)
- Veni Creator Spiritus
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus
- Angelus (morning, noon and evening)
- Regina Coeli (Eastertide)
- Salve Regina
- Magnificat
- Sub Tuum
- Remember, Virgin Mary
- Prayer at the end of the Rosary
Prayers to Jesus
- Teach us to love like you
- To dry and bare feet
- At any age!
- At Christ the King, the Prince of Peace
- At the heart of our deserts
- Day by day
- With you, Jesus
- Passion Path
- Christ, have mercy for the dying
- Consecration to the Sacred of Jesus C
- God with us
- God Eucharist
- God incarnate, you just constantly
- Give me the sense of humor
- Emmanuel
- Jesus Christ the center of my life
- Jesus worldwide
- Jesus is alive
- Jesus, forgive ns moving
- I adore you in your Eucharist
- I owe you a thank you
- I offer my suffering
- Marana Tha! come Lord
- My only desire
- Show me your face
- O Jesus living in Mary
- Supper at Emmaus
- For those who give you a heart
- To live your presence
- Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Prayer of Mending the Sacred Heart
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for a new Pope
- Praying with the Magi
- What a look...
- That our lives are a reflection ...
- Stay with me
- Lord, teach me
- Lord, give me not to flee
- Lord, make us pilgrims
- Lord Jesus, I want to follow you
- Lord, speak to me of my Mother
- Lord, you are
- Lord, come visit our Samaria
- Be a rock of my life
- On the road to Emmaus
- You just smile
- Follow You, Lord
- You who have been lifted up
- You dared hold you up ...
- You're the Live!
- Come born into our world ...
Prayers to the Father
- Act of abandonment to Mercy
- To you Father, our unending praise!
- Teach us to wait
- Tame Me
- It's nice to be your child
- God, hear my voice
- In you is our hope
- I put everything back in your hands
- Never will I lose my hope
- I place before You
- I say OUR FATHER so ...
- I know that you love me...
- I will come to You
- Just for today
- The grace of Te meet
- The Pater of the Internet
- The Lord is my guide
- The wonders of each day
- My Life as a dance
- My thank you December 31
- My only desire
- Our God, we say peace ...
- Our father
- Our Father believer
- Our Father and Father of all ...
- Our Father most holy
- We thank you, Lord
- Here we are before You
- O Father, to you praise
- Father, help me to remember ...
- Father, make us witnesses
- Father ... Grace of the first step
- Great Father
- Father, rekindle in us the flame
- For the New Year
- For the new year of a surfer
- For victims of contempt
- Why, Father, the death of so ...
- For a completed or unfinished life
- The ability to share
- Blessing of Prayer
- Let your mercy remains ...
- Thy will be done in me
- Let your dreams come true ...
- Very loving Lord
- Lord, I love you
- Lord, You are always there!
- Lord, come to our aid
- Blessed are you, Lord, for yes
- You who are Love and Life
- You love me as I am
- Your way, O Lord ...
- You give us to call you Father
- A Love awaits me
... And so on
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update Versions valiables
What is new in version 3.2
nous avons réparé les accidents et amélioré les performances. nous avons également ajouté l'audio dans la Bible
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