Download USSD Mobile - Mobiuz Uzmobile pro
All USSD codes: Mobiuz, Uzmobile, Perfectum, Ucell, Humans, Beeline USSD Kodlar Download USSD Mobile - Mobiuz Uzmobile pro in Apps Communication
Stay up to date with the latest tariffs and internet packages, easily change tariffs and buy internet packages. You do not need to visit sites or pages of mobile operators!
Applications USSD Mobile Uzbekistan - provides you with the latest tariffs, internet packages and additional services of all mobile operators in Uzbekistan.
Don't know where your money is going?
Can't buy internet packages?
Do not have information about the cost of services and tariffs?
By installing USSD kodlar 2021 - you will receive answers to all questions and the following opportunities from mobile operators in Uzbekistan - UMS - Ums, Mobiuz - Mobiuz, Uzmobile - Uzmobile, Ucell - Yusel, Humans, Beeline - Beeline and Perfectum - Perfectum:
✭ information about your expenses
✭ activation of internet, sms and voice packages
✭ balance check, list of all your numbers and connected services
✭ prohibition of all advertising mailings
✭ service management: You got a call, Call me back, Promised payment, Direct transfer, etc.
✭ information about tariff plans
✭ all USSD codes
✭ change tariff
✭ enable 4G internet
✭ checking the balance of the Internet package
✭ news of mobile operators
✭ call the company's support service
✭ allplay setting
✭ internet setup
✭ Mobile TV service
✭ find out the IMEI code of the phone
The application works in Russian and Uzbek languages.
The application is free, no ads, you can use it offline, new data will be downloaded when you connect to the Internet.
Various bonuses are waiting for active users in the near future! Your comments and suggestions are important to us! If everything is OK, then we hope that you will rate our work with 5 (★★★★★) stars!
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Eng so'nggi tariflar va Internet-paketlardan xabardor bo'ling, tariflarni osongina o'zgartiring va Internet-paketlarni sotib oling. Mobil operatorlarning web-saytlariga yoki sahifalariga tashrif buyurishingiz shart emas!
USSD Mobile Uzbekistan ilovasi sizga O'zbekistonning barcha mobil operatorlarining eng so'nggi tariflari, USSD Kodlar, Internet-to'plamlari va qo'shimcha xizmatlarini taqdim etadi.
Pulingiz qayerga ketayotganini bilmayapsizmi?
Internet-paketlarni sotib olishga qiynalayapsizmi?
Xizmat narxi va tariflari haqida ma'lumotlar kerakmi?
USSD Kodlar - dasturni o'rnatganingizdan so'ng O'zbekiston mobil aloqa operatorlari Mobiuz, UMS, Uzmobile, Ucell, Humans, Beeline va Perfectum haqida barcha savollaringizga javoblar olasiz va quyidagi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz:
✭ Sizning xarajatlaringiz haqida ma'lumot
✭ Internet, sms va ovozli paketlarni faollashtirish
✭ Balansni tekshirish, barcha raqamlaringiz ro'yxati va bog'langan xizmatlar
✭ Barcha reklama xabarnomalarini ta'qiqlash
✭ Xizmatlarni boshqarish: Sizga qo'ng'iroq qilishdi, Menga qo'ng'iroq qiling, Ishonchli to'lov,
To'g'ridan-to'g'ri uzatish va h.k.
✭ Tarif rejalari haqida ma'lumot
✭ Tarif rejasini o'zgartirish
✭ Internet paketining qolgan qismini tekshirish
✭ Mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga qo'ng'iroq qilish
✭ Barcha siz uchun kerakli USSD Kodlar
✭ Telefonning IMEI kodini bilib oling
✭ Mobil TV Uzbekistan xizmati sozlamalari
✭ Allplay , Android sozlamalari
✭ Al chiroq haqida ma'lumot
✭ Internet sozlamalar
✭ Yangiliklar
Ilovadan foydalanish bepul, reklamalar berilmaydi, internetsiz ishlata olasiz, internet yoqilganda yangi malumotlar yuklanib olinadi. Bularning barchasi o'zbek va rus tillarida taqdim etilgan.
Yaqin kunlarda faol foydalanuvchilarni yutuqli bonuslar kutmoqda! Sizning barcha takliflaringiz va taqrizlaringiz biz uchun muhim! Hammasi OKey bo'lsa beshta yulduz (★★★★★) bilan taqdirlab qo'yasiz degan umiddamiz!
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