Download Avtoelon.uz - авто объявления Apk
Convenient mobile application for buying and selling cars in Uzbekistan Download Avtoelon.uz - авто объявления Apk in Apps Auto & Vehicles
link Link is Here - daily updated database of ads about cars in Uzbekistan: cars and trucks, new and used, motorcycles and special equipment. And also: spare parts, tuning, repair, car washes and other services - everything is collected in one application.
Buy a car is not difficult! It is enough to set the search conditions: - region (you can choose not only Uzbekistan, but also foreign countries);
- city (for example, Tashkent);
- car brand (for example. "BMW", "Mercedes" or "Lada");
- price range.
You can also choose the type of car body, year of production and condition, engine size, fuel type, gearbox and other characteristics. Separately marked ads with bargaining and installment options.
Want to sell a car? You can place an ad for free and without registration. The convenient “Retouch” mode will allow you to cover up the number of the car in the photo in one motion. Additional services are also available in your account that will make your ad more noticeable: you can pick it up in search, place it in the “Hot Deals”, highlight it or note that the sale is urgent.
Does your car need repair? Or is it time to change the wheels? To do this, in our application there are sections "Services" and "Spares" in which you can find a car repair shop, tire service, car wash, as well as find all the necessary parts and accessories for your iron friend, be it new tires or steering wheel
link Link is Here - O'zbekistondagi avtomobillar haqidagi har kuni yangilanuvchi e'lonlarning ma'lumotlar bazasi: yengil va yuk mashinalar, yangi va eski mashinalar, motosikllar va maxsus texnikalar. Shuningdek: ehtiyot qismlar, tyuning, avtoyuvish va boshqa xizmatlar - barchasi bir ilovada jamlangan.
Avtomobil sotib olish qiyinchilik tug'dirmaydi! Qidiruv shartlarini kiritishning o'zi kifoya: - hudud (nafaqat O'zbekiston, balki xorijiy mamlakatlarni ham tanlash mumkin); shahar (masalan, Toshkent);
- avtomobil markasi (masalan, "BMW", "Mercedes" yoki "Lada");
- narx diapazoni.
Shuningdek mashina kuzov turi, ishlab chiqarilgan yili va holati, dvigatel hajmi, yoqilg'i turi, uzatma qutisi va boshqa xarakteristikalarni tanlash mumkin. Sotiladigan va bo'lib-bo'lib to'lanadigan e'lonlar alohida ko'rsatilgan.
Mashinangizni sotmoqchimisiz? Bepul va registratsiyasiz e'lon berish mumkin. "Retush" rejimida bir harakat bilan rasmdagi avtomobil raqamini o'chirishingiz mumkin. Bundan tashqari shaxsiy kabinetda e'loningizni yanada ko'riadigan qiluvchi qo'shimcha xizmatlar mavjud: siz uni qidiruvda yuqoriga ko'tarishingiz ge "kaytoq e'lonlar" orasiga joylashtirhizi zishyk zchas geeks ka tarishingiz ge zhashi za zharqi
Mashinangiz ta'mirtalabmi? Yoki g'ildirakni almashtirish vaqti keldimi? Buning uchun bizda "Xizmatlar" va "Ehtiyot qismlar" ladimi, barcha kerakli ehtiyot qismlar va aksessuarlarni tanlashingiz mumkin
link Link is Here - avtomobilistlar xizmatida!
link Link is Here - bu osongina avtomobil sotib olish yoki sotish degani!
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