Comprehensive exam preparation app with mock tests series for online exam prep. Download PREP GURU: EXAM PREPARATION23 pro in Apps Education
Practice and ace your tests with Prep Guru!
PREP GURU: MOCK TESTS 2021 is the ultimate test preparation app from Youth4Work, a leading platform for online exam prep. We use advanced data analytics & we have the largest and most comprehensive question bank for all the test in our database.
Prep Guru contains more than 250,000 well researched questions for every kind of exams in Hindi and English. Our online exam prep app aims to give our users an edge over other candidates who face the same test. With our GMAT prep, GRE test prep, SAT practice test, reading comprehension, and general knowledge test prep, we are sure you will pass these tests with flying colors. We will also help people who aspire to land banking jobs, MBA jobs, or becoming a civil servants with our UPSC exam prep and other career quizzes. Since you are better prepared than other candidates, we hope that it will reduce your test anxiety.
• Access mock tests online for 250 competitive exams in Hindi and English.
• Covers all topics from general knowledge tests to the most specialized questions.
• See how you perform on our instant Report.
• Improve your speed, accuracy, and reduce test anxiety.
• Visit our Discussion Forum to get tips and tricks from other aspirants.
• Review all the question and answers
• FREE 50 questions daily in exam preparation.
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What tests & career quizzes does this Exam Guru cover?
1. Government Jobs : Land your dream MBA job or banking job by excelling on the banking exams like IBPS PO Prelim, IBPS Specialist Officer ( SO ), IBPS Probationary Officer ( PO ) Mains, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB, Syndicate bank PO or Clerk, RBI PO or Clerk or SBI PO Clerk (Junior Associates); LIC AAO and ADO; SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS and UPSC Civil Services examinations. CTET, BHEL Supervisor, NIACL Assistant, IB ACIO, ISRO, BSNL JAO, DSSSB, NIELIT / DOEACC CCC, KVS Primary Teacher and DMRC.
2. Placement Test & Papers: We have a huge collection of placement papers for MNCs, IT and other companies like Infosys, TCS, Capgemini, Accenture, IBM, Delloite, Wipro, Amdocs, HCL, Tata Motors, SAP LABS, Aon Hewitt, Daffodil Software Ltd, Genpact, Maruti Suzuki, DELL, Amazon, Mahindra Satyam, Reliance Jio, MuSigma and Birla Soft.
3. Engineering : AIEEE, JEE, MHCET, UPTU and GATE (Mechanical, Computer Science, ECE, IT, Electrical and Civil).
4. Indian Railways : RRB or SCRA Exam.
6. Management : Get your dream MBA job. Start by practicing online tests for CMAT, CAT, MAT, SNAP, FMS and XAT to get admission in management college.
8. State Public Service Commission : MPPSC, MPSC, UPSC, PPSC, CGPSC, KPSC, BPSC, WBSSC, TNPSC, GPSC, TSPSC and JPSC.
9. Study Abroad : Do you have the required reading comprehension to study abroad? Access our TOEFL, TOEIC, GMAT prep, GRE test prep, & SAT practice test to help you get admission to the best universities in the world.
10. Other Major Exams : CA-CPT, CA-PCC, CA-Final; CS Foundation and Executive; CLAT, LSAT & NDA and CDS.
11. CBSE Board : Class 10th, 11th and 12th
12. Schooling for ITI Trainees : Test for ITI Trades
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