Download Word Hippo pro
Thesaurus and Word Reference Download Word Hippo pro in Apps Education
Find similar and opposite words with our advanced thesaurus, along with a range of other word tools: sentences, rhymes, related word types, matching words, definitions, and translations.
Our thesaurus has a comprehensive range of synonyms and antonyms under an extensive range of contexts that may be used for a given word or phrase.
Determine how to best use a given word in sentences and phrases with a list of examples.
Boost your lyrical creativity with our expansive list of rhyming words.
Find the derivative/related adjective, noun, verb or adverb for a given word, including a list of other similar words to use.
We have advanced word finders for:
- General word search and unscrambling
- Words with friends
- Scrabble
- Crossword and Codewords
Perform a simple search, or use our advanced filters to drill down to the word that you’re looking for.
A dictionary is available for you to determine the exact definition of a word.
Translate to, or from, English in up to 100 different languages.
- Intuitive and native interface.
- Swipe back/forth through search history.
- Dark theme/mode compatibility (based on your Android device settings).
- Remove ads and bookmark words via an in-app purchase.
Download Word Hippo pro
You Can Download Word Hippo pro from this links :
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What is new in version 2.5.2
Users who have made an in-app purchase can now save words to their bookmarks.
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