Prokedex - All games Pokedex pro

Download Prokedex - All games Pokedex pro

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Prokedex is an unnoficial Pokedex which contains data about all Poke monsters. Download Prokedex - All games Pokedex pro in Apps Tools

Contains detailed data for all Poké monsters to date, support for all games from Generation 1 to Generation 9 (Poké Scarlet and Poké Violet).

Multi-Language (available in English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Russian).

Can work without internet connection.


A complete Pokédex that includes all the data of each pocket monster including biologies, abilities, breeding and training data, locations, moves, sprites, etc...

Interactive maps for all regions and routes
Explore routes and regions with interactive maps to discover the locations of all Pokés.

A complete Teambuilder with which you will create the team of your dreams, plus you can share it on our cloud server with other trainers.

Moves Dex
See all the details of each move, by level, TM/HM/TR, egg moves, by breeding, event and more.

Ability Dex
See all the information about the abilities and which Pokés learn them.

Types dex
Calcule the weaknesses and resistances for every combination of types.

Favorites list
Register your favorite Poké to have them always at hand.

Caught checklist and Living Dex
Manage your caught list for each game, including regional and national Pokédex.

Quickly compare Pokés to see their differences in stats, abilities and types

Items Dex
Discover the data and locations of all the objects categorized by each game.

Shiny Hunting
Track and hunt all the shinies and complete the Living Shiny Dex!.

Support for Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire red, Leaf green, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, Soulsilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Let's Go, Sword, Shield, Isle of Armor, Crown Tundra, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Legends, Scarlet and Violet.

Download Prokedex - All games Pokedex pro

You Can Download Prokedex - All games Pokedex pro from this links :

android Download APK v2.2.1 Direct shop Get on Google Play update Versions valiables

What is new in version 2.2.1

Added cries/poke sounds
Added Import/Export collection functionality
Added IV Calculator
Added Pokepaste/Showdown compatibility for teambuilder
Improved Regions and Routes UI
Added more details to Natures
Added more details to Berries, growth and flavours
Added manual inputs for Teambuilder EVs
Improved performance
Fixed some crashes, translations and bugs