Download Name Generator Apk
Generate random names of many origins in just one tap. Simple and intuitive! Download Name Generator Apk in Apps Tools
Explore the vast variety of names on this planet for whatever purpose you may need, using the name generator.
You know that problem. You need to find a random name in a certain language that you are not familiar with? Or do you want to find a random name in your native language, just because you are interested or because you need it to generate an account somewhere.
No matter if you are an author, journalist, uncreative person, or just a curious person, the name generator will provide you with great, authentic random real names, first and last name, from a multitude of origins on the globe. You can easily choose to generate female or male names after you have chosen the origin in a clean and simple user interface.
The name generator can generate way over 4 million combinations of first and last names. Be amazed of the diversity of the names generated.
The name generator can generate names from the following 41 origins:
* African
* Albanian
* Arabic
* Armenian
* Azerbaijani
* Celtic
* Chinese
* Croatian
* Danish
* Dutch
* English
* Estonian
* Filipino
* Finnish
* French
* German
* Greek
* Hungarian
* Indian
* Indonesian
* Irish
* Italian
* Japanese
* Jewish
* Korean
* Latvian
* Lithuanian
* Norwegian
* Pakistani
* Persian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Russian
* Serbian
* Spanish
* Swedish
* Turkish
* Ukrainian
* Vietnamese
* Welsh
I will continuously add new name origins, so stay tuned for regular updates.
For feedback and feature requests, just contact me.
If you want to generate nicknames, check out my Nickname Generator App on the play store:
link Link is Here
Download Name Generator Apk
You Can Download Name Generator Apk from this links :
android Download APK v1.7.3 Direct
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update Versions valiables
What is new in version 1.7.3
Removes some wrong names. Thanks for all the reports :-)
And huge thanks also for that continued love and support! It is greatly
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