C# Shell .NET IDE Apk

Download C# Shell .NET IDE Apk

4.3 / 5   people 37,200
Developer By
open_in_new Radostin Dimitrov
7.0 and up
This content for Everyone

Compile and learn C# on the go using the Mono CLR under Android Download C# Shell .NET IDE Apk in Apps Tools

Compile and learn C# on the go using the Mono CLR under Android

[Primary features]
- C# 10 support
- Syntax highlighting
- Code completion
- NuGet package managment
- Show code errors during compilation
- Show code errors in realtime (* premium feature with trial *)
- Export assembly (exe/dll)
- Create launcher shortcut to assembly
- Multiple customizable editor themes
- Editor customization (font size, invisible characters)
- Basic debugging
- Support for Console code
- Support for .NET MAUI (GUI)

[Runtime Note]
This is not Visual Studio or Windows.
This app runs on Android and is subject to some of the OS limitations.
Hence Windows only technologies can't work on Android at all.
This incudes WPF, UWP, Windows Forms, Windows API and all libraries dependent on it.
Also note that the Mono version for Android doesn't have link Link is Here as it was deemed redundant due to link Link is Here .

Your device requires free storage of at least 1 GB to properly install, even though the app takes up only about 350MB.

[System requirements]
In addition this application runs everything locally and may not run well on devices with 1 GB of RAM and for example a 1.0 GHZ CPU with 4 cores.
2 GB RAM and 2 GHZ x 4 should run well.

Read the frequently asked questions before emailing or opening a GitHub issue about a possible problem. It will most likely already be answered in the FAQ.
link Link is Here

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Download C# Shell .NET IDE Apk

You Can Download C# Shell .NET IDE Apk from this links :

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