Download پادرس - گام به گام، سوال، جزوه Apk
Step by step, sample questions, pamphlets and educational videos for high school courses - 4th to 12th Download پادرس - گام به گام، سوال، جزوه Apk in Apps Education
The new Padres application is the first educational application that provides the content of all courses to primary and high school students.
With Padres, students can solve all their study problems for free and quickly.
The free content of Padres includes sample questions, handouts, sample questions (first and second round - mid-round), loading of educational videos.
The new Padres provides students with more content than the previous versions. In the following, we will mention the content that the new Padres application provides for your needs.
Elementary school teacher (4th, 5th, 6th grade): This part of the teacher includes all the curriculum content of elementary school courses. Elementary school students can use the elementary school teacher application step by step, sample questions, textbooks and also
have educational videos at their disposal. Math games and spelling games are also designed for them
The 7th grade course: The essay section of the course includes all the content of the 7th grade courses. 7th graders can use the 7th Grader application step-by-step, sample questions, textbooks, and educational videos.
8th grader: This part of the 8th grader meets all the needs of 8th graders, and the 8th graders can have lesson videos, sample questions, pamphlets, and most importantly, solve the lesson exercises in the 8th grader.
Padres 9: Students of the 9th year of the first year of high school can use the new Padres application to have sample questions, booklets and step-by-step lessons as well as video lessons.
10th grade: 10th year high school students whose fields of study are mathematics and physics, experimental sciences and humanities can solve all their academic problems using 10th grade.
Padres 11th: Students of this level who study in theoretical fields can use the new application of Padres 11th step by step, sample questions, pamphlets and all educational videos at their disposal for free.
Padres 12th: Students who have entrance exams and are studying in the twelfth grade can also use Padres 12th to access all the content required for final exams and entrance exams without paying any fees.
College Course: This section of College Course was recently added to the program in this version, and it only includes the main and common courses of technical and vocational college students and their students.
In the end, all students and teachers who are interested and would like the content of their lessons to be published in Padres should contact Padres.
You can also share your comments with us in addition to Padres support through the following ways:
Paadars website: link Link is Here
Email: info@ link Link is Here
Telegram channel: https://t.me/PaadarsApp
Instagram: link Link is Here
Download پادرس - گام به گام، سوال، جزوه Apk
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