3D Dinosaur park simulator Mod

Download 3D Dinosaur park simulator Mod

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virtual 3d dinosaurs in your device Download 3D Dinosaur park simulator Mod in Games Simulation

3D Dinosaur Park - a set of realistic 3D dinosaur models in your device. The application uses the camera. Simply choose your favorite dinosaur and place your device so that the dinosaur is on a flat surface.

The game uses real 3D models with real animation of behavior and real sounds! Various dinosaurs from the Jurassic are waiting for you.

The effect is similar to a hologram. Call your friends, create together your dinosaur park.

Arrange Jurassic Adventures.

Dinosaur Description:

Tyrannosaurus rex - among the largest predators, ty-Rex was the most dangerous.

Triceratops is the largest horned dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous. Young triceratops hatch from melon-sized eggs. Then they grow horns: short - from the nose, long - slightly above the eyes. The neck of dinosaurs is framed by a powerful bone collar. These giants feed on low-growing plants, shoots and leaves.

Velociraptor is a small but very clever predator who lived at the end of the Cretaceous. The jaws of a ruthless hunter were filled with sharp teeth; agile paws with tenacious claws easily tore apart the carcass of the fallen animal. There were claws on the hind limbs of a predatory raptor.

Spinosaurus - was one of the largest land-based predators in the entire history of the earth: This monster was 17 meters long, 8 meters high and weighed 11 tons.

Parasaurolophus is a dinosaur of the Cretaceous period, similar to a duck, possessing a huge crest on its head and preferring to move with its flock. With his outstanding comb, he makes sounds.

Download 3D Dinosaur park simulator Mod

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