A word game that will stimulate your mind and activate your memory Download لمحة - لعبة تسلية وتفكير apk mod in Games Word
A new idea game based on thinking, focus and the power of observation
Each puzzle is a given key word, and at the bottom is a board consisting of nine letters. You have to find words from the board that are related to the given word.
As a given aid you have the number of hidden words and the length of each word
Some words require reflection and analysis, and some may require general knowledge of your knowledge
The game will make you think and use your mind and memory to try to find related words that may seem easy to you, but difficult to others ... we guarantee benefit, fun and entertainment
Try to think of words related to the given word and search for it on the letter board or try to form words from the letters on the board.
Useful and fun game for all family members
* A lot of various questions
* Continuous updates
* Share with your friends and challenge them
* Forever free
* One hundred percent Arabic
* Free download without any complications
What is new in version 1.05
تصحيح خطأ نادر في الادخال
لمحة عن موقعي الجغرافي لمحة عن العصر العباسي لمحة عن العصر الجاهلي لمحة عن العصر العباسي للسنة الثانية ثانوي لمحة تاريخية عن الاسبرين لمحة عن العصر الاموي لمحة عن عصر الضعف والانحطاط 3 ثانوي لمحة بيتسا لمحة تاريخية عن العصر العباسي الطور الثاني للسنة الثانية ثانوي Word