"Magical" custom actions! ;) Download Proximity Actions Apk in Apps Tools
"Proximity Actions" is a small, innovative and very useful utility, allowing you to perform various actions using the proximity sensor of your device.
Users of Advanced Screen Control would recognize some of the functionality and would appreciate the cleaner UI and the additional features. This is a continuation of my efforts related to the proximity sensor utilization.
Used terms:
"Wave" means to wave (or slide) your hand (or finger) closely in front of the proximity sensor of your device, in accordance with the chosen settings.
"Hold" means to block the proximity sensor and quickly release it after feeling the vibration.
IMPORTANT: Using this app requires some level of technical awareness and understanding of what the proximity sensor is, where it is and how it works! Make sure you carefully read the this app description and each of the in-app options' description before use!
Key features:
✔ Music: Play/Pause (Android 3.0 and up), Play Next, Play Previous;
✔ Lock the device;
✔ Wake up and optionally unlock the device;
✔ Toggle Auto-Rotation On/Off;
✔ Change the screen orientation, without releasing the orientation lock (Android 3.0 and up);
✔ Launch any app;
✔ Launch any shortcut (direct dial, direct message, etc.);
✔ Toggle the LED light On/Off (if available).
✔ Home screen shortcuts for starting or stopping service (can be used with Tasker)
DISCLAIMER: Some devices seem to have slower proximity sensors so you would have to adjust the settings and wave slower, but the app works on every device with functioning proximity sensor.
Contact me if you want to help translate or fix a translation!
The app hardly use any battery power. You shouldn't even see it in the statistics.
DISCLOSURE: This app uses the Device Admin permission. To uninstall - use the "Uninstall" option in the app!
No personal information is collected and/or sent whatsoever!
I really appreciate all the support and praises from all of you, but unfortunately I could not afford to develop and maintain the app under the initial monetization system. It is a nice and useful app, I spent substantial amount of time and effort researching and developing it and I would like to keep doing that. I hope enough of you would find the app worthy enough to support my efforts. Thank you!
What is new in version 3.44
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* Added "Ask for confirmation" option in action setup.
* Google policy compliance