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iA Writer: Focused Writing Apk

Write notes, drafts, books, poems, fan fiction, and blog posts in Markdown Download iA Writer: Focused Writing Apk in Apps Productivity

“iA Writer creates a clean, simple and distraction-free writing environment for when you really need to focus.” ***** The New York Times

# The Original
Introduced in 2010, iA Writer is the common benchmark for Markdown writing apps.

# The Simple
No custom file format or database: Edit your plain text files in any app you like.

# The Flexible
Some of the great writing apps like Bear, Scrivener or Ulysses, do not support Android yet. iA Writer works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

# The Open Minded
Buy or subscribe? You decide. Control your tool, control your work. A big upgrade with a paid plan where you can choose between subscription or owing the app is in the works!

# The Eye Friendly
iA Writer includes an inverted light-on-dark-mode, perfect for working day and night.

# The Focused
Focus Mode dims everything but the current sentence or paragraph, helping you stay in the flow.

“iA Writer is an example of how powerful simplicity and accessibility can be.” ***** The Guardian

“iA Writer is all about textual production—writing this phrase, this sentence, this word at this moment.” ***** WIRED

# The Team
- Visit for more information
- Visit for support and feedback
- Let us know what you think on Twitter @iAWriter

What is new in version 3.0.2 (221)

- Fixed an issue with Dropbox duplicating files
- Improved messaging in dialog that appears when users copy an already existing file into Dropbox
- Fixed an issue with Find/Replace UI showing when it shouldn't
- Added Ctrl+F as a shortcut for

i A Writer Focused Writing Apk Productivity

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