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Keepass2Android Password Safe Apk

Keepass2Android is a password manager compatible with KeePass Download Keepass2Android Password Safe Apk in Apps Tools

Keepass2Android is an open source password manager application for Android. It is compatible with the popular KeePass 2.x Password Safe for Windows and aims at simple synchronization between devices.

Some highlights of the app:
* Stores all your passwords in a securely encrypted vault
* compatible with KeePass (v1 and v2), KeePassXC, MiniKeePass and many other KeePass ports
* QuickUnlock: Unlock your database once with your full password, re-open it by typing just a few characters - or your fingerprint
* Synchronize your vault using the cloud or your own server (Dropbox, Google Drive, SFTP, WebDAV and many more). You can use "Keepass2Android Offline" if you don't need this feature.
* AutoFill service and integrated soft-keyboard to safely and easily pass the passwords to websites and apps
* Many advanced features, e.g. support for AES/ChaCha20/TwoFish encryption, several TOTP variants, unlock with Yubikey, entry templates, child databases for sharing passwords and more
* Free and Open-Source

Bug reports and feature suggestions:


Explanation regarding required permissions:

What is new in version 1.09c-r0

Re-enable Google Drive
Fix disappearing autofill prompt in Firefox
Integrate autofill suggestions with keyboard (requires Android 11+)
Allow to change app language in settings
Add option to synchronize database after QuickUnlock
Bug fix: Do not make filenames lowercase when saving to

Keepass2Android Password Safe Apk Tools

0 visibility android Android 5.0 and up
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