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Wear Store for Wear Apps Apk

All Android™ Wear compatible Apps within the powerful Wear Store. Download Wear Store for Wear Apps Apk in Apps Tools

You got a new smartwatch with Android™ Wear and don't know any apps running on it?

Try out the Wear Store.
With this app you'll see all compatible apps to the Android™ Wear system.

- see which app is FREE, FREEMIUM or has a price (US$)
- sort apps by adding time, name, rating and price
- add apps to a favorite list
- see which app is already installed on your device
- be up-to-date with the news-feed
- see how many apps have every category
- see rating bar for every app
- see all Watchfaces in seperated list
- see what watch other users have
- watch video reviews to some apps
- App-Manager:
- see all installed wear apps on you device
- deinstall apps directly from App-Manager

Please contact me under if you want a app or other content removed.

- Internet: to get the data from my server and from google
- write/read storage: cache the appicons
- Billing: to remove the ads in the app with in-app-puchases

This App doesn't have anything to do with the Play Store from Google. All listed apps, app-logos and other information are property of Google and/or the developer.

What is new in version 1.0.20-v16

- various bugfixes

- added privacy policy

- added adaptive icons for android O
- some design tweaks
- bug

Wear Store Wear Apps Apk Tools

0 visibility android Android 4.1 and up
check_circle This Free You can get it cloud_download Download archive 7.8M