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accessibility Everyone update 2023-02-25 23:42:38

KISS Launcher Apk

Blazingly fast launcher focused on search Download KISS Launcher Apk in Apps Personalization

Start programs from your new home screen by typing in a few letters.

The app adapts to how you use it, making finding what you want even faster.
Your data never leaves your device, and you can expect to save battery life
and speed up your device compared to complex and bloated launchers.
KISS is just 250 KB and never connects to the Internet.

93% of users that try KISS for a week are still active users after 3 years.

GPLv3+ copylefted libre software means everyone can use, see, change and share at will, with all.

Help, customizations and screenshots.

This app makes use of Android Accessibility API to allow "double tap to lock" feature. No data is accessed or stored in the process.

* Usable privacy
* Speedy simplicity
* Functional beauty

What is new in version 3.18.0

* Restored the ability to add recent callers to history on modern Android (enable in settings) (@marunjar)
* Allow disabling shortcuts for some apps

KISS Launcher Apk Personalization

0 visibility android Android 4.0.3 and up
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