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Physics Notes pro

Probably the best Physics Notes for students and teachers, download & share It. Download Physics Notes pro in Apps Education

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The Physics Notes app is just physics running notes for students.
The app will be aggregation of definitions and formulas for students in most systematically
The app covers:
1) Basics of Physics
2) Units, dimensions and physical constants.
3) Motion in one, two three dimensions.
4) Laws of motion, Circular, Relative and projectile motion.
5) Friction, dynamics of rigid bodies.
6) Gravitation
7) Work, Energy and Power.
8) Conservation laws of energy
9) Momentum and Impulse
10) Collisions.
11) Properties of matter
12) Surface Energy and Surface tension
13) Kinetic theory of gases
14) Thermodynamics
15) Oscillations and Simple harmonic motion
16) Waves.

and more topics to come.

What is new in version 1.0

Fixed Minor issues in Application

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