An application that takes care of preserving legal texts and reviewing them with organized plans accompanied by tests and exercises. Download حفاظ المتون Apk in Apps Education
Preservation of the ton
An integrated and specialized project in memorizing and revising scholarly texts, and includes everything that the memorizer needs from taking care of the texts of the texts, selecting the best investigations, selecting the best readings, planning memorization, follow-up, encouragement, creating a cooperative environment between preservation, and other sections that the memorizer needs.
Prepared by: Center of Excellence.
What is new in version 3.1.2
نسخة تجريبية:
- إصلاح مشاكل التسجيل
- إمكانية عمل خطط بدون إتصال بالإنترنت
- توفير إستهلاك الإنترنت في صفحات تصفح المتن
- إضافة زر حذف الحساب