Exclusively for Narayana Students, nLearn Kids is an e-learning app. Download nLearn Kids Apk in Apps Education
About the app:-
nLearn kids is an e-learning app exclusively built for Narayana students. Available on the web - https://nlearn.nspira.in/
nLearn is the best e-learning and test-taking product for kids.
Our dedicated R&D team has developed the complete app in-house with state-of-the-art content creators across India. Our team is committed to making learning effective and smooth.
Some of the features:
Fun Scrolls
Fun learning and activity-based content for a quick scroll through to impart overall knowledge and development of the students.
Monthly school magazines are filled with exciting student activities and achievements and a lot to learn from!!
Live Classes
Experience robust learning through live classes. The whole hassled-up process of joining a live class has been made simpler. Experienced and good faculty would be taking the classes to ensure that concepts have been explained in the best way possible. If you have missed a live class or want to refer to the lecture again, we are providing the recordings of the live class.
Term Exams
Classroom exam-taking experience has been digitalized with the ‘Term Exams’ feature. Access the question paper, solve it and upload your solutions. Your teacher will review your submission and provide you with the marks. You can even raise your concern with the teacher if you happen to find any discrepancy.
The assignments are curated in such a way that student can test their learning. Topic-wise assignments and their solutions with elaborate explanations would be provided. Once solved you can upload the assignment so that a designated teacher can review it and provide feedback.
Announcement Board
All the updates will be presented in the form of announcements so that you don’t miss out on anything.
Monthly schedules will be provided so that you get to plan your day accordingly.
Sign in to nLearn kids to experience many more awesome features like these.
nLearn kids is undoubtedly the smartest launchpad to top the learning curve.
To get ahead of this curve, start today. Download the nLearn kids App. SRAMAYEVA JAYATHE.
Visit: https://nlearn.nspira.in/
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Mail: info@narayanagroup.com