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Moon Calendar - Moony Apk

Daily recommendations for you based on to the current moon phase and zodiac sign Download Moon Calendar - Moony Apk in Apps Lifestyle

Moony is a beneficial guide and reference book for you to live your everyday life in harmony with the moon phases. It shows you the current phase of the moon as well as the current Zodiac sign.

The lunar calendar offers detailed tips and recommendations based on ancient knowledge.

- You would like to know when you should cut or dye your hair?
- You have problems cutting your fruit trees?
- The house cleaning should be as quick as possible?

Moony offers you a well-arranged overview for the desired information!

There are also 3 Widgets available for a quicker overview:
- Basic Overview Widget
- Favorites Widget
- Planner Widget

Customize the app according to your needs. You can:
- choose favorite tasks
- configure a planning calendar
- customize the day view
- disable categories or tasks in which you are not interested
- change the sort order
- choose a custom time for the notifications

Have fun!
Manu and Markus

Moon Calendar Moony Apk Lifestyle

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