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ActivityTracker Pedometer Apk

Automatic step counter, calories, and distance tracker (free). Download ActivityTracker Pedometer Apk in Apps Health & Fitness

Track your all-day activity without draining your battery and without wearing a fitness gadget!

Ac­tiv­i­ty­Track­er will keep track of your steps, active calories, dis­tance, and ac­tive time just by car­ry­ing your phone or Wear watch around, which you al­ready do!

Re­search has shown that just by be­ing more ac­tive you will also be health­i­er. Not every­one wants a vig­or­ous ex­er­cise rou­tine so just in­creas­ing your dai­ly ac­tiv­i­ty will get you in bet­ter shape. Ac­tiv­i­ty­Track­er will auto-mag­i­cal­ly quan­ti­fy your dai­ly and weekly ac­tiv­i­ty and mo­ti­vate you to be more ac­tive for free!

General Features
• Track your all-day ac­tiv­i­ty with­out drain­ing your bat­tery (no GPS) or wear­ing a fit­ness gad­get!
• Track your Steps, Ac­tive Calo­ries, Dis­tance, and Ac­tive Time;
• [New] Set the app to monitor what's most im­por­tant for you: Steps, Calo­ries Burned, or Dis­tance (PRO ver­sion);
• [New] Set individual Weekly Targets for: Steps, Calo­ries Burned, and Dis­tance (PRO ver­sion);
• Track your Dai­ly, Week­ly and Month­ly ac­tiv­i­ties in great de­tail;
• Track your ac­tiv­i­ty hour-by-hour in the Hourly view. De­tails such as steps, calo­ries, dis­tance, and ac­tive time are shown per hour;
• Long-tap on any day in the De­tails > Days view to see de­tails per hour for that day;
• [New] Long-tap on any week/month in the De­tails > Weeks/Months views will get you to the first day of that week/month;
• Since not all days are the same, we pre­fer a Week­ly Tar­get but we will also show you a dai­ly goal based on your tar­get;
• [New] Cus­tomize the in­ter­face with one of the sev­en Ac­cent Col­ors (from which three are free);
• Im­port/ex­port fea­ture to save your data or move it to an­oth­er device (PRO ver­sion);
• Week Over­view to re­view your last week's progress at a glance (PRO version).

Android Integration
• Import your historical data from Google Fit so you can have a complete overview of your activity from day one;
• Beautiful & fully customizable Widgets;
• Graphical Notification with multiple customization options;
• [New] Im­port/ex­port directly to your Google Drive account (PRO version);
• Dai­ly & Week­ly no­ti­fi­ca­tions that can eas­i­ly be dis­abled in Set­tings;
• Progress notifications for target reached and target half-reached (PRO version);
• App badge that shows the steps tak­en (as hundreds) di­rect­ly on the app icon.

[New] Wear watch app!
• Today's overview
• Hour-by-hour summary for today
• Last 7 days of data
• Complications for your Watch face

Note: If your device doesn't track all steps, please see the Help from inside the app for how to fix this.


What is new in version 3.2.2

New in v3.2
• New Wear OS app for your Watch!
• Complications for Wear OS app
• New and improved Widgets
• New Today Progress in Trends for a great overview of your day
• Backup & restore to your Google Drive
• Faster data loading at startup
• New onboarding wizard

New in v3.2.2
• Added support for older Wear OS devices (from v2.2)
• Widgets can now be resized vertically
• Other improvements &

Activity Tracker Pedometer Apk

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