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Biblia Hebrea Apk

Free Hebrew Spanish Bible. Download Biblia Hebrea Apk in Apps Books & Reference

The Hebrew Bible is more than a historical treasure or a literary classic to be preserved, admired, or applauded.

It is more than a set of documents on the basis of which talents of learned men can be exalted.

The Hebrew Bible is the greatest of all the Creator's works.

It reveals his mind, expresses his will, and manifests his power through words that, among many other purposes, the Hebrew Bible has the power to take away death and bring to light the life and immortality of those who read with faith.

The Hebrew Bible in Spanish where one has to approach with a contrite spirit, a henna heart and a prostrate attitude; with simple faith and bare feet, clean from the mundane mud of human philosophies, because in this particular case, it is not the reader who judges the Book, but the Book the reader.

In this Hebrew Bible in Spanish we can find the true light of the word where you will be able to explore the Bible more easily and discover the word of the Creator.

What is new in version 3.1.0

- menos anuncios publicitarios
- versículos destacados
- Se agrego referencias de la biblia
- Mejora de la interfaz de la app
- Nuevo Modo Nocturno
- Letra Grande
- Mayor facilidad de usar la app
- Se ha implementado un buscador
- Mejoría a los capítulos con una interfaz tipo

Biblia Hebrea Apk

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