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BECOME THE BEST DRIVER IN THE WORLD... AND TEST YOUR LIMITS! Drive NOW! تحميل لعبة Real Race: Speed Cars Fast R apk مهكر في ألعاب السباقات
Fasten your seat belts, start engine and start racing in classic simulation high speed racing game.
- 6 amazing and different tracks,
- 15 legendary cars to drive,
- high-octane racing experience,
- whole pack of racing modes,
- arcade driving model,
- advanced physics,
Test your determination, reflex and driving skills and have extreme fun on high speed in race simulator.
New and fresh racer on the market appropriate for gamers who need underground twist. Shift your skill from from amateur games and push the pedal to the metal! Real racing high energy adventure with plenty of classic and modern cars. Choose your favourite car and become fastest racer on asphalt tracks.
Speed and race couldn’t be more exciting - win every race and achieve grand prix champions. Emotions similar to most famous and best races are on the reach of your hands - just choose favourite car from all over the world. From GT series to top real touring car which designs are masterpiece.
Perform amazing drifts and try drag races in very fast chases on the tracks - more adrenaline than monster truck races guaranteed.
Sound of real racing engine in your ears, the speed in your mind and desperation of being the best racer in the world. Most advanced driving simulation motorsport steering model available on the market - real cars with most powerful engines at the pit stop lane and advanced racer AI to beat for most skilled and determined sport game players.
World rally in world cup races is better than watching real formula racing in television because you can sit on the driver place.
Don’t afraid to be the fastest.
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