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Join seven million satisfied users and start racing with them in astonishing environment and with radically innovative steering mechanics.
Stop dreaming about being a rally driver and become ONE!
Features included:
- Explore 6 extreme racing tracks,
- Enjoy 8 cars with realistic driving models,
- Discover the whole pack of racing modes which will prove that you are the worthy driver,
- Master your skills through the interesting tutorial,
- Improve and re-paint your cars according to your liking,
The realistic driving model will drive you to rally heaven and satisfy your speed spirit and racing need! Best racers and at your fingerprints and advanced gameplay.
You can stop looking for other racing tracks, feel the asphalt with your car wheels and catch the legendary emotions. Start fighting for your destiny as a prominent member of racing driver community. Choose your favorite car (available GT cars, retail or legendary road cruisers) and start showing your skill to other players in multiplayer or on leaderboards. Achieve the highest score and become ruler of the tracks.
Response to your speed racing needs and install the game which allows you to compete with others on real and beautiful asphalt tracks. Racing has never been so realistic and simulation was never that exciting.
Best car designers from gt series factories were the inspirations for our car body designers. Amazing design meet with unexpected steering mechanics allows feeling like formula racing driver on most famous tracks.
Simulation way of driving with Rally, Drag or gt cars is what we have brought to perfection in this next-gen racing game. Motorsport competition has never been so innovative and realistic, even for races wasn’t that rewarding in areas on which Need for Car: Real Speed.
Plenty of customizable cars with advanced driving models on asphalt or sand. You can choose from different body cars, choose from gt, Rally, Drag, offroad, touring and top muscle cars.
The need for astonishing speed allows you to dominate on racing tracks and shows other players where is their place. Best races provides extreme emotions and similarly
Most wanted elements in popular racing games are commonly known, on the other hand, we provide some sort of originality in expert and demanding approach to drifts and nitro acceleration. Being furious of fast races with the focus on different elements apart from pure cars and rallying you should try experience which is focused on racing and rallying.
تحميل لعبه سباق السيارات: سباق السرعة apk مهكر
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