تحميل لعبة Murder in Alps: Hidden Mystery apk مهكر
Interactive crime adventure! Thrilling Hidden Object game full of deadly riddles تحميل لعبة Murder in Alps: Hidden Mystery apk مهكر في ألعاب المغامرات
Murder in the Alps is a unique adventure story game! It's a fully interactive crime novel with amazing Hidden Object gameplay features. ✈️ Journey back to the 1930s, solve countless mysteries and experience an adventure in the authentic atmosphere of the time!
The game's story is set in a hotel tucked away in one of the most beautiful locations in the Alps. ️
But the happy adventure quickly reverses. The tale begins when one of the guests goes missing, and it is not long before other strange events start to occur.
The main protagonist, Anna Myers, is a journalist from Zurich who wants to spend her holidays in a quiet and peaceful hotel. ️♀️ But now Anna must end her holiday and find the answers! With each new day the story thickens, and Anna must decide which one of the ten Mystery characters could be the killer.
As the game story progresses, you will visit many unique locations, from the airy beauty of the Alps to the depths of Hidden blood-filled cellars. ️ Experience immersive gameplay and engaging story!
Solve mind-boggling puzzles!
Find hidden objects!
️ Interact with each and every character!
Discover which one of them is the twisted killer!
Will you be able to find the Killer before the Killer gets you and everybody else? Can you find the answer to Murder In the Alps? There's only one way to find out, so get your magnifying glass and your detective hat because this amazing movie-like experience awaits! ️
Exciting game features:
Fascinating storyline with unexpected twists and turns - hours of interactive gameplay and an awesome plot!
Filled with characters with mystery personalities and dark secrets! Interact with all of them and find out which one is the killer! ️
Gorgeous graphics with amazing animations and beautifully illustrated comics to enhance the story! ️
Hidden Object gameplay, which allows you to explore each picturesque location and experience an authentic 1930s atmosphere! ️
Enchanting music, great sound effects, and fully voiced characters!
Built-in Strategy Guide to help you with every step of the game!
Every game scene is filled with collectibles, so don't be afraid to look everywhere and find them all!
Lots of unique achievements, some are easy to get, and some require great skill! ⭐
Amazing mini-games, Hidden Objects scenes, and Much More! This game will keep you on your toes!
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تحميل لعبة Murder in Alps: Hidden Mystery apk مهكر
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update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 10.0
Update and plunge into a new, mind-bending chapter: Forgotten Memento. Follow the murderer without losing your mind.
New characters & locations to discover!
New collectibles & achievements!
Polish was added to the list of languages.
Various minor bug fixes and improvements to make your gaming experience more enjoyable.
Be sure your game is up-to-date so you can have the best time playing!
We also recommend joining our community on Facebook, for various contests and more fun.
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