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Your Choice, Your Story, Storypick♡ Pre-register now & enjoy various stories! تحميل لعبه Storypick apk مهكر من ألعاب المغامرات
Make popular dramas and TV programs into your own story!
King Bs Series, Heart Signal, and Kingdom are reborn in Storypick!
It's where all these stories are remade with your choice.
Experience how your choice changes the course of the story in Storypick now.
▣ "Storypick"'s Original Series! ▣
- Marked by King Bs, Loved by King Bs, and Memories by King Bs! The three series of our King Bs are all in here.
- Enjoy Storypick's Original Series from a time-transcending romance to the daily stories of our lives!
▣ "Storypick"'s Heart-Fluttering Romance! ▣
- For you in love now, or about to fall in one.
- Fated love can start from a coincidence. Romance is made from your fingertips!
▣ "Storypick", Presenting Well-known Works! ▣
- Netflix's renowned "Kingdom", Channel A's popular program "Heart Signal", and popular web drama "Office Watch: The Gossip Room" are all in one place!
- Enjoy a new experience by making your own choice and creating a different story from the original work.
PICK the story according to your taste, and PICK the fate of your character!
It's an experience like none other!
Participate in various open events and have fun reading stories-
Don't miss out on this great opportunity!
Participate in pre-registration now!
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