تحميل لعبة Beauty Makeover Salon Game apk مهكر
Super fun Game with Beauty, Salon, Spa, Makeup, Dress Up, Makeover & more! تحميل لعبة Beauty Makeover Salon Game apk مهكر في ألعاب الألعاب البسيطة
Hello there! Are you ready to take on the challenge of running your very own Beauty Clinic? There are many clients eagerly waiting for a new and amazing SPA experience! Your goal at the Beauty Clinic is to make your customers look stunning and feel satisfied with their treatments.
So, why not download this game and give it a try?
Choose from 3 beautiful characters and 6 different levels.
Experience using real SPA tools.
Tons of SPA tools available for you to try out.
Monitor your client's skin condition and make them look their best.
After the SPA treatments, pick out some fancy accessories for your clients.
Super simple operations. Just follow the prompts and enjoy!
How to play:
Choose a level and a model that you like to start the game.
Pop pimples, clean pores, and apply a facial mask to make your client's skin look flawless.
Check for bugs in their hair and give them a luxurious hair wash.
Enjoy a relaxing back SPA and create a DIY herbal massage ball for your character.
Give your client's hands and feet some special attention, and apply colorful nail polishes.
Finally, it's time for a comfortable leg SPA. Use hot pebble stones to relax your client's legs!
Enjoy running your very own Beauty Clinic and giving your clients the best SPA experience possible.
تحميل لعبة Beauty Makeover Salon Game apk مهكر
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We updated the app to fix some bugs.
Thanks for your feedbacks and reviews. If you have any idea or comment, please give us a review :)
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