تحميل لعبه Color Ball Sort Puzzle apk مهكر
Try to sort all same color balls into the tubes in Sakura theme 2022 تحميل لعبه Color Ball Sort Puzzle apk مهكر من ألعاب خفيفة
Color Ball Sort Puzzle - Dino Ball Sorting Game is here for you! It's a fun and addictive colorful balls sorting game that's suitable for relaxing and sharpening your mind at the same time. Just tap the balls and sort the colored balls in the tubes until all the same colors are together in the same tube. This ball game is easy to learn but hard to master.
- Tap any tubes to pick a ball
- Put it into a tube which contains the same color ball on the top if the tube has enough space, or empty tube.
- Stack all the balls with the same color into a single tube.
- Try not to get stuck! But you can undo the ball move by using the back function or restart the level anytime you want.
- Easy to play but hard enough to exercise your brain
- One finger control.
- Thousands of levels, can you pass all of them?
- New themes and background skin.
- NO penalties & time limits; you can enjoy the Color Ball Sort Puzzle
anywhere you want.
- All offline, no need for connection! Free for download!
- Suitable for all ages. Let's share this bubble sorting game for your friends and your family members to have a good time with them.
What are you waiting for? Get ready for exploring a new bubble sorting game with colorful balls right now. You will enjoy the whole day long by playing this ball sorting color match game. Hopefully, This ball sort game will make your day become more interesting and colorful.
تحميل لعبه Color Ball Sort Puzzle apk مهكر
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