تحميل لعبة Princess Town: Hospital Games apk مهكر
Princess Town: Hospital Pregnant Princess Mommy Care Games تحميل لعبة Princess Town: Hospital Games apk مهكر في ألعاب الألعاب البسيطة
When the princess becomes a mother, what will her daily pregnancy life be like? Medical room, Nursery, Sports center, these rooms in the castle will give all service to you! We bring many good-looking characters, you can interact with almost every project you see. A series of interesting trigger games will give you the best experience of taking care of your life. Come and immerse yourself in the joy of playing the royal pregnant mother!
- 7 different rooms to adventure into!
- Pure open-ended play world
– Experience an interesting pregnancy life in Princess Castle.
- Touch, drag and explore every item and see what happens! Surprises are hidden everywhere!
- Hundreds of new items and sounds to discover, enjoy the fun of playing house.
- Build your own small world and create an amazing story!
How to play:
- You can decide all the orders in this world.
- Choose a room and a character to play with, such as the dessert shop, rest room, and bedroom.
- Click and drag the tools you see, every item can be played and interacted with.
- Customized clothes of the day according to the daily schedule.
- You can try different types of activities in the game, such as exercising, using B-ultrasound equipment, taking a bath, drinking juice, etc.
Important Message for Purchases:
- By downloading this App you agree to our Privacy Policy
- Please consider that this App may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.
Important Message to Parents
This app is free to play and all content is FREE with ads. There are certain in-game features that may require purchase using real money.
تحميل لعبة Princess Town: Hospital Games apk مهكر
يمكنك التحميل لعبة Princess Town: Hospital Games apk مهكر عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v1.4 مباشر
shop Get on Google Play
update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.4
- Fixed bugs of character choosing function;
- Updated new functions;
- Updated new characters.
Thanks for your feedbacks and reviews. If you have any idea or comment, please give us a review :)
whatshotالأكثر تحميلاً
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