تحميل لعبة Cake Art: Pop It Baking Games apk مهكر
Cake Art: Pop It Baking Games! Fun Cake 3D, Cake Artist, Cake Maker Food Game! تحميل لعبة Cake Art: Pop It Baking Games apk مهكر في ألعاب الألعاب البسيطة
Hey friends, you can enjoy playing with pop-it toys and making cakes at the same time in this app! Now, you can make your own pop-it cakes! It’s bakery time!
- Use pop-it toys and make yummy cakes!
- Real kitchen scene and lots of bakery tools.
- You can choose different pop-it toys.
- Follow real bakery steps and mix all ingredients.
- Decorate your cakes with candies, fruits, and pop-it toppers.
How to play:
- Add flour, eggs, and all the ingredients into the bowl. Then mix them up with the standing mixer.
- Put the cake molds into the oven. Wait for 30 minutes till your cakes are ready.
- Chill the pop-it toys which are filled with chocolate for 1 hour.
- Pipe cream on your cake and decorate it with candies and fruits.
- Take a photo of your cake and share it with your friends.
Important Message for Purchases:
- By downloading this App you agree to our Privacy Policy
- Please consider that this App may include third-party services for limited legally permissible purposes.
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About App Labs
App Labs is devoted to creating and offering high-quality electronic coloring books, interesting relaxing and girl games, aiming to help people get relaxed and amused.
Important Message to Parents
This app is free to play and all content is FREE with ads. There are certain in-game features that may require purchase using real money.
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