تحميل تطبيق برنامج ايميل للياهو والاخ برو
Quick and easy access to Yahoo accounts on the go! تحميل تطبيق برنامج ايميل للياهو والاخ برو في تطبيقات الأدوات
Beautiful design, Intuitive actions, Lightning speed, Advanced security – In a new powerful email app for Yahoo!
Quick and easy access to Yahoo accounts on the go! Check email, read, reply, send photos, add and view attachments — stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Experience new features to manage your Yahoo email on your phone or tablet in the most efficient manner.
Why choose us?
– Timely custom push notifications for each individual email account, e.g. 'Work' email address set to ‘Do not Disturb’ mode from 21:00 to 7:00
– User-friendly design: you do not have to think twice, whether you want to Flag, Mark as spam, Delete just one or multiple emails at once
– Clean and tidy inbox with contact avatars and an option to enable email threads (all conversations displayed neatly together)
– Convenient search by Date, Recipient, Subject, in Unread, Flagged messages and only in emails with Attachments to help you find anything in a flash
– Personalized filters to automatically move incoming emails to specific folders or Mark them as read
– Enhanced security to protect your mobile app against unauthorized access by setting up a PIN password
The application also supports all major email services that you can add to have all your mail in one place, whether it is a Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, MSN Mail, Gmail, AOL, GMX or any POP/ IMAP/ SMTP-enabled mailbox.
If you encounter any problems, please send us an email at yahoo@ link الرابط من هنا and we will try our best to help you in a timely manner.
IMPORTANT: We are a free unofficial Yahoo email application with a goal to provide an excellent mail management product.
تحميل تطبيق برنامج ايميل للياهو والاخ برو
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