تحميل لعبه Stones Sails apk مهكر
انضم إلى ثلاثة قراصنة في هذه الملحمة! تطابق الحجارة للإبحار في البحار السبعة! تحميل لعبه Stones Sails apk مهكر من ألعاب الألغاز
From the creators of Jelly Juice, here’s Stones & Sails! It’s a new amazing puzzle saga that leads you into a pirate match 3 world!
ARE YOU READY TO SAIL? Join a pirate toon crew around the seven seas! Meet Captain Lizzy, Ottavio and Marcel, and sail with them in a crazy saga! Discover amazing places, lost islands and mysterious locations! These three friends will need all your brains to play and solve the challenging puzzles they’ll encounter in their journey. Match stones together and advance through levels, create powerful combinations that only pirates know! What are you waiting for? Captain Lizzy’s crew is ready to travel the world, and it needs your help to crush these colorful stones and navigate this fantastic puzzle saga! Drop what you’re doing, grab a soda and sail to adventure!
• Tons of amazing challenging pirate match 3 levels!
• Special Stones: match the stones together to create super combinations to crush away the hardest puzzles in a blast!
• Unique Pirate Boosters such as Windwheels and Jolly Hammers to help you turning even the most extreme level into a sweet candy!
• Challenging blockers to be vanquished using your pirate cleverness and match 3 skills!
• Discover and open the mysterious Pirate Treasure Chests: gather stars, crush levels and claim your treasure reward!
• Three comical toon characters: get to know Lizzy, Marcel and Ottavio, the heroes of this saga, and help them out in their breathtaking journey!
• Amazing locations to be explored: visit many islands, locations, and even cities with your three pirate friends through Stones & Sails' colorful, artfully detailed graphics!
• Easy but challenging and strategic gameplay: explore and play many colorful and intriguing puzzle levels, unleash your pirate skills, and sail the seven seas!
تحميل لعبه Stones Sails apk مهكر
يمكنك التحميل لعبه Stones Sails apk مهكر عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v1.58.0 مباشر
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ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.58.0
In this version you’ll find:
- New feature: the islands! Sail for a new adventure, discover wondrous islands and search for amazing treasures!
- 25 NEW AMAZING LEVELS to play with: now you can play up to level 2925!
What are you waiting for? Have fun with Captain Lizzy, Marcel and Ottavio! Please remember to rate us after every
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