تحميل تطبيق WalletPasses | Passbook Wallet برو
WalletPasses allows you to use your Apple® Wallet / Passbook® Passes on Android™ تحميل تطبيق WalletPasses | Passbook Wallet برو من تطبيقات السفر ومعلومات محلية
With WalletPasses, you can use passes on your Android phone to check in for flights, get and redeem rewards, get in to movies, or redeem coupons. Passes can include useful information like the balance on your coffee card, your coupon’s expiration date, your seat number for a concert, and more.
WalletPasses Saves Your Battery
The app only consumes battery when you use it, no power consuming operations are performed in background.
WalletPasses Respects your Privacy
The app requires only minimal permissions to work and you keep full control of the data shared with pass issuers.
WalletPasses is fully Passbook compatible
The app supports all great features of Wallet / Passbook passes:
* Automatic Pass Updates & Change Notifications
* Relevance based Display of Passes (Time, Location, iBeacon)
* Embedded Scanner
WalletPasses is backed by the Wallet Passes Alliance, a consortium of firms that develop and promote an open platform for the mobile wallet
تحميل تطبيق WalletPasses | Passbook Wallet برو
يمكنك التحميل تطبيق WalletPasses | Passbook Wallet برو عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v1.2.3 مباشر
shop Get on Google Play
update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.2.3
Based on your feedback we have made the following improvements:
- ability to increase the barcode by tapping on it
- ability to export / share passes
- settings to enable / disable relevance instructions
- ability to scan more barcode formats
Other improvements include
- share an URL or copy it to the clipboard in order to open it in our in-app browser
- easily import existing passes via android sharing functionality
- new translations
- bug-fixes and stability
whatshotالأكثر تحميلاً
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