تحميل تطبيق Yolla: International Calling برو
Save 90% on calling abroad. Cheap international calls. International calling app تحميل تطبيق Yolla: International Calling برو في تطبيقات الاتصال
Yolla helps people call abroad since 2015. 9/10 users are satisfied with Yolla, 7/10 give us 5 stars.
Make premium quality international phone calls at the best rates possible. Call any country in the world to landline and mobile. International calling has never been cheaper!
Сheap calls to Ethiopia from $0.19, Indiafrom $0.022, Bangladeshfrom $0.023, Pakistanfrom $0.055, Nigeria from $0.09
Call abroad as cheap as possible. Yolla offers best prices on the market, starting from $0.004 per minute. Enjoy cheap international calls with no hidden fees and extra payments - you always see the final cost on the screen. No cancellation period - balance never expires.
Yolla provides best quality of phone calls on the market. Enjoy clear sound and great connection with the best internet calling service available. Call to Nigeria, call to India, call to Afghanistan quality will be just perfect.
Don't have time to call abroad and need to drop a message ASAP? Send text messages to 150 + countries via Yolla.
Our affordable rates will help you to save on international calling and spend money on what you need. Save up to 90% on calls abroad vs. traditional carriers. Be it landline or mobile number you want to call, we got you covered. Forget about high roaming fees and enjoy cheap international calls with Yola.
With Yolla you can make calls to your family and friends back home. Talk to family wherever you are. They don't even need to have Yola, internet and smartphone. You are just one phone call away from your loved ones.
Invite friends to earn free calls. Your friend makes first payment, and you both get extra $3 absolutely for free.
Yolla uses your real number, so family and friends always know it is you.
Need to call abroad to the landline phone without internet? Yolla will help with that. Mobile number? No problem. No matter what country and what number you call, we offer you the cheapest rates possible.
Our popular countries to call: India, Nigeria, Ehiopia, Kenya, USA, UK and many more!
Have friends or family using Yolla? Great! Now you can recharge their accounts. Just purchase and send Yolla credits to your family and friends. They will enjoy free talktime with you or anyone else.
1. Install Yolla and sign up with your phone number
2. Add credits to your account
3. Type a number you'd like to call or select a person from your contact list
4. Call
✓ Use your contact list
✓ Referral program to earn credits for free international calls
✓ One account & number for all devices
✓ Buy credits online via app or from our site
✓ Optional auto top-ups, so you never run out of credit
✓ 24/7 support always ready to help you with internet calling
✓ Transparent per-minute pricing
✓ Make a call via Wi-Fi to avoid costly roaming fees.
✓ Free call feature - calls between Yola users are free of charge
We'd love to hear your opinion:
Rate our calling app and let us know if you like it!
Get Yolla today and start talking more for less! Drop the doubt and start enjoying international calling abroad! All you need is the Internet connection – WiFi, 4G, LTE, or 3G. Your friends and partners will see no difference - but you will.
Any questions or suggestions? Please contact us at hi@ link الرابط من هنا
تحميل تطبيق Yolla: International Calling برو
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