تحميل تطبيق MIUI-ify - الإخطارات المخصصة برو
MIUI 12 شريط الإعلام ، شريط الحالة والإعدادات السريعة. للتخصيص بالكامل. تحميل تطبيق MIUI-ify - الإخطارات المخصصة برو في تطبيقات تخصيص
MIUI-ify provides a smooth, fast and native feeling MIUI 12 styled quick setting and notification panel at the bottom of your screen, allowing you to toggle settings like WiFi, Bluetooth, Flash and many more, as well as adding shortcuts to apps and websites in the panel too!
- Control all notifications
- Reply, open, dismiss, interact and manage
- Full color customization
- Dynamic colors
- Move your device's status bar to the bottom of the screen
- Full support for notifications and system setting icons
- Full colour personalization
- Blacklist: hide the status bar in specific apps
- 40+ different settings
- Add any app or URL as a shortcut in the panel
- Layout: Change the number of tile rows and columns
- Sliders: Screen brightness, ringtone, alarm, notification and media volume
- MIUI 12 themed
- Customizable position and size so it doesn't interfere with navigation gestures
- Options to hide in landscape and fullscreen
- Blacklist: hide the handle trigger in specific apps
- Blur the background
- Change the colors of the panel background and the quick setting icons
- Add a background image to the panel
- Select an app icon pack
- Match the navigation bar color to the footer color
- Dark mode
- Integration with Tasker
- Backup and Restore your customisations
Get extra features with Root / ADB
- Ability to toggle secure system settings such as Mobile Data and Location. These settings can only be toggled with root or a one time ADB command, due to Android's security restrictions
Some of the main quick settings:
- WiFi
- Mobile data
- Bluetooth
- Location
- Rotate mode
- Do not disturb
- Airplane mode
- Night mode
- Sync
- Torch / Flashlight
- Music controls
- WiFi hotspot
- Screen timeout
- Immersive mode
- Caffeine (keep screen awake)
- Invert colors
- Battery Saver
- And over 20 more!
iOS has had the control center at the bottom of the screen for years.
With MIUIify and its MIUI notification bar, you can finally get the same ease of access and more with a material design style!
MIUI-ify uses Accessibility Services to display the custom quick settings on the screen.
- Bottom Quick Settings (Android Pie & Q theme notifications): link الرابط من هنا
- Twitter: link الرابط من هنا
- Telegram: t.me/joinchat/Kcx0ChNj2j5R4B0UpYp4SQ
- FAQ: link الرابط من هنا
- Email: support@ link الرابط من هنا
تحميل تطبيق MIUI-ify - الإخطارات المخصصة برو
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