تحميل لعبة RealmCraft 3D Mine Block World apk مهكر
مجانا بقاء بلوك لعبة الحرفية. استكشاف رمل العالم وبناء مكعبات في 3D! تحميل لعبة RealmCraft 3D Mine Block World apk مهكر في ألعاب المحاكاة
مرحبًا بك في لعبة RealmCraft Free Block Building and Survival.
استكشف عوالم المكعبات ، حارب مع الغوغاء العدوانيين ، دمر الكهوف وابنِ.
ميزات لعبة RealmCraft
~ عالم كتلة مفتوح رائع يتكون فيه كل شيء من مكعبات ثلاثية الأبعاد.
Welcome to RealmCraft Free Block Building and Survival Game.
Explore cube worlds, fight with aggressive mobs, destroy caves and build.
Get ready for real Adventures! Because, Realmcraft is the universe of infinity blocky worlds. Tthe game has endless open 3D cubic worlds and is know as one of the best block building simulator of last 5 years!
Features of Realm Craft Game
~ Fascinating open block world in which everything consists of 3D cubes.
~ Worlds creating. Destroy blocks and cubes, collect blocks, build blocks, move them as you like and create your own cube world;
Cut wood, break stones, mine blocks and create out of them building and worlds of your dreams!
~ Blocks crafting. Realm Craft game offers you 100+ types of blocks that can be used to build and create useful items;
~ Crafting mode. Free blocks mining game allows you and your friends craft, survive, mine and build!
~ Various game modes - SURVIVAL MODE and CREATIVE MODE (crafting and building mode), WORLDS, MINI-GAMES (multicraft mode);
~ Realmcraft is a 3D pixel mini craft game-simulator for building, crafting and farming. Spawn eggs to get to know all the unique mobs, learn how to tame a wolf, ocelot and horse, start growing plants and set up your very own block farm!
~ Multiplayer and 4 mini games! Meet other fans of building games, chat with them, do joint construction, and share life hacks and secrets of the game.
~ World exploration. In this blocks world loki craft adventure with colorful cubic graphics, many lite biomes await you: from forests and plains to deserts and taiga. In each biome, you will be greeted by unique flora and fauna.
Survival mode
Mine, build, collect resources and plants, beat enemies and go hunting to survive in survival mode (single player).
Master the secrets of surviving and go from simple wooden armor to strong diamond armor!
Use enchantments to increase your damage and defense! Let the evil mobs regret meeting you!
Creative mode
Enjoy unlimited creativity, immortality and flying in creative mode. Start your block city building! Build your dream houses from cubes, or copy real-life landmarks and houses from TV shows. Also here you can become a real engineer, creating complex mechanisms from electrum. Most importantly, remember that there are no restrictions in the open cube world of Realmcraft, lite craft so let your imagination run wild!
Worlds and mini games
Realmcraft has a multiplayer mode called Worlds: there are a lot of huge and miniworld. Make friends with real players from all over the world and build together! Show other players the buildings you create and give tips on crafting, surviving and building. RealmCraft game has a private chat in which you can communicate only with your friend!
If you like creative & survival block building games then the free Realm craft sandbox is exactly what you are looking for!
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تحديث رئيسي طال انتظاره: أضفنا بُعدًا جديدًا - النهاية. ادخل إلى البوابة ، واستكشف المدن النهائية ، وحاول البقاء على قيد الحياة في هذا البعد العدائي القاسي وهزيمة الزعيم الرئيسي - تنين إندر. قد تجد أيضًا الكثير من الكتل والعناصر الجديدة مثل: كتل حجرية نهائية ، وكتل بوربور ، وكريستال طرفي ، وجرعات طويلة الأمد وغيرها الكثير.
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