تحميل تطبيق AI Chatbot - Nova برو
AI Chat powered by ChatGPT & GPT-4. Ask AI any questions. Writing Assistant. تحميل تطبيق AI Chatbot - Nova برو في تطبيقات الإنتاجية
Nova is a revolutionary AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT & GPT-3 & GPT-4
The advanced AI powered technology understands your questions and generates human-like responses, making you feel like you are chatting with a knowledgeable friend. It can even recommend a book to read or a movie to watch! Just ASK AI.
Nova AI is the #1 cross-compatible ChatGPT client, making the latest AI chat technology from OpenAI accessible in the most user-friendly way. It is the only cross-platform ChatGPT powered application with industry-first features.
Key Features:
● Latest ChatGPT technology from Open AI (GPT-4)
● Unlimited questions and answers
● Multi-language support (140+ languages)
● Cross-compatible device support (Android phones, Wear OS, tablets, and web)
● Ability to have dialogs with the AI chatbot ( AI remembers full chat history)
ASK AI Anything:
With Nova AI, you have access to personalized assistance for all types of writing projects, whether it is , social media posts, or poems. Basically, the Chat GPT app can assist with any task, such as crafting a unique and unforgettable pickup line or even creating an original song. That's right! This ChatGPT AI helper is not only smart but also creative. Let your imagination run free with it!
● AI copywriter: The built-in Chat GPT backed AI writer generator is useful for writing anything from ads and descriptions to sales pitches and video scripts.
● AI content writer: use the chatbot tool powered by GPT-4 for your content marketing (blog posts, articles, social media posts).
Backed by ChatGPT and GPT 4, this AI powered proofreader is top-of-the-line. It can analyze your written work and offer suggestions to help you create professional-grade documents. With ChatGPT & GPT-4, you can ensure that your texts are polished and mistake-free
AI proofreading: The AI Chat Bot powered by ChatGPT makes it easy to express yourself in any style and tone while ensuring your grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct.
Whether you're seeking some amusement, advice, or simply in need of someone to talk to, AI is always available for you. This Chat GPT AI powered companion is capable of producing human-like responses, making you feel as though you're conversing with a close friend. It can even recommend a book to read or a movie to watch!
Download the AI app now and have your ChatGPT & GPT-4 powered virtual assistant always at hand.
AI uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 API, but we are not associated with Open AI. We only use their official API for our app. Nova AI is not affiliated with any government or political entity. The information provided in AI is for informational purposes only and should not be considered official or authoritative.
● You can subscribe for unlimited access to all app’s features.
● Subscriptions are billed automatically at the rate depending on the selected subscription plan.
By using the app, you confirm that you acknowledge and accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use:
Privacy Policy: link الرابط من هنا
Terms of Service: link الرابط من هنا
Do you have a question for us?
support@ link الرابط من هنا
تحميل تطبيق AI Chatbot - Nova برو
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