تحميل تطبيق Drums: Real drum set برو
Music games to play and learn with easy lessons and ultra realistic drum kit تحميل تطبيق Drums: Real drum set برو في تطبيقات الموسيقى والصوت
Play like a real drummer in no time!
Drums is super simple to use, with ultra realistic sound and feel. Everything has been made for you to feel like you're playing on a real drum kit, whether you are a beginner or a pro drummer. Just tap and instantly hear the kick drums, cymbals, or snare drums!
Drums app let's you play on a real drum kit and learn thousands songs in no time! You did not think playing music was that easy right?
Learn thousands of song from all difficulty levels thanks to awesome drum lessons, play games to practice and perfect your drumming skills. Get all notes and rhythm perfectly to reach high score. Various musical genres available, and new songs added on the songbook every week!
Want to get wild? Start jamming with the free play mode and create your own songs. Pick the drums that suits your style: Djembe, Rock, Electro...all drum kits have beautiful and real design and HD sound, everything for a perfect drum freestyle session!
Learn songs, practice and play for hours!
Have any question or suggestion regarding Drums app? Our support team is ready to help at support-drums@ link الرابط من هنا .
*real drum kit
*various music styles available
*ultra HD music sound
*awesome games and lessons to learn songs
*free app
تحميل تطبيق Drums: Real drum set برو
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