تحميل تطبيق Music Player - مشغل الموسيقى برو
مشغل موسيقى بتصميم جميل تحميل تطبيق Music Player - مشغل الموسيقى برو في تطبيقات الموسيقى والصوت
"Music Player" - A simple Music Player with a powerful equalizer packed with all the features better than any other music player available for your Android devices.
This Music Player is one of the best music player with a stylish design.
Features of Music Player
1. Browse songs in 6 different ways from the app (Playlist, Genre, folder, Artist, Album and songs).
2. Full widget support with list of songs.
3. Play songs directly from folder inside the App.
4. Elegant themes are available in two sets.
5. Create playlists as per your mood and add songs to link الرابط من هنا
7. Remove annoying clips from Music Player while scanning the app.
8. Can set Ringtone within the music player.
9. 5-band equalizer with powerful bass and virtualizer with reverb settings.
10. Play songs in a selective order by adding to the currently playing list through Add to Queue feature.
11. Share songs that you are currently listening on social media apps.
12. Available in 40 different languages (English, Hindi, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Indonesian, etc.).
13. System equaliser support is provided along with in-app equaliser within the Music Player App.
14. App is designed based on the concept of material design to make the experience native for Android users.
15. Fastest way of song sharing without internet through nearby sharing
Install the music player (mp3 player) and enjoy your favourite songs like never before!
Also, share your feedback on Google Play Store if you like the Music Player App.
PS: With help of our music player, share your favourite songs among your friends on the social media and let your friends know what you are listening!
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تحميل تطبيق Music Player - مشغل الموسيقى برو
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android تحميل APK v1.143.0 مباشر
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update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.143.0
1. Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless music experience.
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