تحميل تطبيق Riyaz: Practice, Learn to Sing برو
Voice training with vocal warm-ups, authentic solfege exercises and a lot more! تحميل تطبيق Riyaz: Practice, Learn to Sing برو في تطبيقات التعليم
Riyaz has fulfilled the dreams of 30,00,000+ passionate singing aspirants.
Learn and practice singing with precise, live feedback that guides you optimally to overcome your mistakes! With Riyaz, anybody can learn to sing! Come give it a shot!!
Download now and have ready access to hundreds of practice lessons in Western classical and Indian classical music styles - Hindustani and Carnatic!
The smart vocal monitor in Riyaz helps you know and fix your mistakes before anyone else can. Top riyazers spend more than an hour each day practicing and learning singing with the lessons and exercises offered! Come join us today!
Do get in touch with us (feedback [at] riyazapp [dot] com) if you need anything else as an aspiring singer or face any issues with Riyaz, we promise a reply to each and every email!
What can I expect from Riyaz? .
→ Instant feedback - Our cutting-edge technologies packed with smart vocal monitor will provide you with instant and precise feedback on your practices. .
→ Support for all vocal ranges - Whether you are a kid/teenager/adult, Riyaz supports all voice types and vocal ranges across all the course offerings for comfortable practice! .
→ Progress - Riyaz keeps track of your progress so that you know what’s happening. .
Is Riyaz for me? .
Riyaz serves the needs of singing aspirants from absolute beginners to professional singers and everyone in between. We regularly update and add lots of lessons in all the music styles supported in Riyaz. Do send in your requests, and we honor them :-)
In Western classical music , we have structured vocal exercises for warm-up, vocal agility, dexterity, and vocal range. We also offer extensive solfege-based exercises and lessons to practice and be pitch perfect. Also comes with plenty of exercises to learn intervals, combinations of notes, rests, and much more! .
In Hindustani classical music , Beginner singing lessons include sargam, paltas and alankars. Advanced singing lessons include more than 45 raags with several bandishes in all those raags. .
In Carnatic classical music - Beginner lessons include Swaravalis, intermediate and advanced singing lessons include Nottuswarams, Geethams, Geethams, Jatisvaras, and Svarajatis. .
In Devotional and light classical category, Riyaz has a varied range of bhajans in praise of the deities. You're never too far from finding that perfect bhajan for offering your prayers. .
If you fashion Bollywood and popular songs , Practice and learn from millions of songs that fellow Riyazers have added, or add your own favorite songs! . Whichever you choose, Riyaz helps you to systematically improve your singing accuracy, timing, breath control, voice modulation, and agility. .
What are you waiting for? Come join the largest singing revolution the world has ever witnessed! :-)
تحميل تطبيق Riyaz: Practice, Learn to Sing برو
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