تحميل لعبة Hair Doll Dress Up Game apk مهكر
Collect all your favorite dress and costumes! تحميل لعبة Hair Doll Dress Up Game apk مهكر في ألعاب المحاكاة
Welcome to the world of hair dolls!Here, you can experience all kinds of beautiful hairstyles, dazzling costumes, adorable dressing room, exclusive secert garden, manicuresand hairdressing, gashapon Different gameplays are waiting for you!
Exquisite Costumes: Variety of exquisite dress and unique costume to create a princess wardrobe for you! Come and try it!
Private garden creation: Do you like beautiful gardens? In Hair doll Dress Up Game, you can not only nurture your favorite flowers, but also decorate your own secret garden! Collect five colors of flowers, you can also get a limited costume! From germination to bloom, can you grow the most beautiful princess's garden?
Beautiful manicure: Which girl doesn't like manicure? Come and experience it in Hair doll Dress Up Game! Shiny nail polish, cute stickers, hand accessories and patterns, what kind of nail art can match today's dress?
Fantastic Gachapon: New Gachapon gameplay! Take a spin on the Gachapon and get theme costumes! From R to SSR, all are sweet and lovely princess style costumes! Come and collect them all!
Exquisite make up Room: Make up your hair doll! Eye shadows, lipsticks, color contacts, all kinds of makeup parts for you to choose from! Come and design the most fashionable makeup look for the hair doll!
Stylish hair studio: Design a stylish hairstyle for the hair doll by yourself! Pair it with today's outfit and make the hair doll the brightest princess ever!
【Game Features】
More than 500+ dress up items for you to choose!
All in-game content is 100% free!
Collect all your favorite dress and costumes!
Use backgrounds and stickers to add to your hair doll's dress!
All kinds of exclusive limited costumes are waiting for you to come and get them all!
Call your best friends and experience the fashionable and gorgeous wardrobe of hair dolls together!
تحميل لعبة Hair Doll Dress Up Game apk مهكر
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