تحميل لعبة Match 3D -Matching Puzzle Game apk مهكر
Loved by Millions! The cutest puzzle match game — adorable levels await! تحميل لعبة Match 3D -Matching Puzzle Game apk مهكر في ألعاب الألغاز
Get ready for a new, challenging and original matching pairs game.
You need to match 3D objects on the ground and pop them all! When you clear a level, you will find new objects to pair.
✨ Shiny 3D visual effects and objects.
Well-designed brain trainer levels.
⏸️ Pause it whenever you want.
Cute animals, sweet yummy food, cool toys, exciting emojis and much more stuff to puzzle out.
Auto-save game to continue from where you left off.
Match 3D is easy to play for everyone!
Shiny pairs of animals, food, school items, household objects, emojis and many more exciting Onet type levels to unlock by simply matching the pairs!
Offering tons of cute combinations, this free game will power up your brain and increase your memory speed.
All you need to do is play this connection-based game with various 3D levels that set it apart from all other games. This matching pairs game is so easy that anyone can play it.
تحميل لعبة Match 3D -Matching Puzzle Game apk مهكر
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ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1245.56.2
Wally Treasure Hunt Event (coming soon)
- Prizes include brand new themed Event Items!
- Special event leaderboard that awards Profile Stickers!
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Fix for freezing timer and level ending
whatshotالأكثر تحميلاً
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