تحميل تطبيق LEGOE Life: kid-safe community برو
Make friends in the social media app for kids! Join groups & watch kids' videos تحميل تطبيق LEGOE Life: kid-safe community برو في تطبيقات اجتماعي
LEGO Life is a safe, creative and social space, designed with kids in mind. Your child can share their creations in the fully moderated community, and they can get inspired and engage with other children using emoticon and moderated text comments in an entirely free, kid-safe platform. With building ideas and awesome building and decorating challenges, LEGO Life is the ultimate companion to LEGO building, packed with fun and fuelled by kids’ imaginations.
With LEGO Life kids can:
- Build themselves as a LEGO Minifigure Avatar and customize their profile with a safe and anonymous nickname
- Bring their Avatar to life with an augmented reality feature on compatible phones
- Safely upload and share photos of their creations in the LEGO Life community with a one-time account verification by a parent
- Use emoticon and text commenting to engage with other kids in the community.
- Discover building tips and hacks to learn how to use LEGO bricks in brand new ways
- Take on exciting LEGO building, decorating and quiz challenges
- Find awesome videos featuring LEGO Harry Potter™, LEGO Star Wars™, LEGO NINJAGO, LEGO Friends, LEGO Minecraft™, LEGO Technic, LEGO City and more!
- Friend their favourite LEGO characters, including LEGO Batman, Anna and Elsa from LEGO Disney Frozen or the LEGO Friends, and follow their posts
A safe space to share:
- Kids create their own profile with a safe, anonymous username and a personalised avatar
- Verify your child’s account to control the actions they can perform in the app and unlock the full LEGO Life experience for your child, including features where they can share multiple pictures or comment with text on LEGO posts.
- Account verification is quick, easy and is only required once
- All uploads and text comments are fully moderated before they are approved
- Captain Safety, our digital safety mascot, guides users through their online journey to promote a safe and positive digital experience for kids
Important information:
- The app is FREE and there are no adverts, in-app purchases or third-party advertising. LEGO marketing content and information is served in hope of inspiring children’s creative play
- All uploads and text comments are moderated before being shared and those revealing personal information or containing unsuitable material, are rejected.
- Verified Parental Consent requires a one-time credit or debit card review to ensure that the person verifying is an adult. Verification is totally FREE - you will not be charged. Your credit card information will not be stored anywhere on our systems
- It is possible to verify by using the most common international credit and debit cards.
- As part of the LEGO Account sign-up, we will collect the following information for you and your child:
o The country in which you live
o Your email address
o Date of birth
We will utilize your personal information to manage your account and review anonymized data to provide a safe, contextualized and excellent LEGO experience. You can learn more here: link الرابط من هنا and: link الرابط من هنا
- For app support, please contact LEGO Customer Service: link الرابط من هنا
- The list of compatible devices for the augmented reality avatar feature can be found at link الرابط من هنا
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2023 The LEGO Group.
تحميل تطبيق LEGOE Life: kid-safe community برو
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ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 2023.11
We have made the LEGO® Life experience even better by fixing some bugs and improving performance in the app.
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