تحميل تطبيق Multi Calculator برو
The best calculator app containing several useful calculators and converters. تحميل تطبيق Multi Calculator برو في تطبيقات الأدوات
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Multi Calculator is the best calculator app containing several useful calculators and converters.
Try this powerful calculation capabilities and intuitive & stylish designed app.
Multi Calculator supports all kinds of devices.
✓ Standard calculator
- Keeps the function of a pocket calculator and adds some math operators.
- Remembers the last calculation condition and check the calculation history records any time you want.
- Up to 15 digits can be entered, and all numbers can be operated.
- Use the calculator on android wear (G Watch, Gear Live, Moto 360, ...)
✓ Currency Converter
- Provides real-time currency exchange rates
- Once the currency exchange rates are updated, you can use the currency converter in the offline. Before you go abroad, update once.
- More intuitive to see the currency rates with a currency abbr., name and nation flag images.
✓ Interest Calculator
- Provides various options for calculating interest: Installment savings, Regular savings, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, etc.
- Enhanced compound interest calculations. Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly are available.
- If you wonder how to gather 100 million dollar in 5 years, try the future value function.
✓ Anniversary Calculator
- Keeps your anniversary with a photo
- Provides various date calculation
- View as D-Day or Day count
✓ Discount Calculator
- Calculate Discount price / Discount %
- Calculate with Additional discount
✓ Loan Calculator
- Supports Level payment / Fixed principal payment / Balloon payment
- Set interest only period
- Calculate any type of loan such as Mortgage, Auto loan.
✓ Unit Converter
- Supports Length, Area, Weight, Volume, Temperature, Time, Speed, Pressure, Force, Work, Angle, Data and Fuel
✓ Health Calculator
- Use Health Calculator for your healthy body
- Calculate BMI(Body Mass Index), BFP(Body Fat Percentage) and Ideal Weight in one screen
- Easy to switch between metric and imperial systems
✓ Tip Calculator
- Calculate tip and split the bill
- Separate your bill from Sales Tax and calculate tip
✓ VAT Calculator
- Calculate VAT easy and fast
✓ Fuel economy Calculator
- You can calculate Fuel economy, Distance, Expected fuel amount & cost
✓ Shopping Calculator
- Make a shopping list and calculate them right away while you are shopping.
✓ Size Converter
- Helps you to convert clothing / shoe / pants / shirt / bra / hat / ring sizes for most countries
- Don't forget your size with memos
✓ Time Calculator
• Helps you to calculate time in Year / Week / Day / Hour / Minute / Second. (2 hours 5 minutes + 79 minutes = ?)
Purchasing the premium version, you get an ad-free and support us to make better apps.
* If you encounter any problem with this App or incorrect wording, please contact us via:
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- jeedoridori@ link الرابط من هنا
تحميل تطبيق Multi Calculator برو
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android تحميل APK v1.7.13 مباشر
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update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 1.7.13
• Improvements for Currency Converter UI
• Improvements for stability
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