تحميل لعبة Text Express: Word Adventure apk مهكر
Word puzzle game with stories & crosswords! Learn English, connect with friends تحميل لعبة Text Express: Word Adventure apk مهكر في ألعاب ألعاب الكلمات
Enjoy your word adventures with the most unique puzzle game out there! English word search puzzles and crosswords, letter connect and word hunt, emotional stories and a design twist - play Text Express game for free to unlock it all!
Join Tilly, a smart young woman, as she travels in her old train to wonderful destinations, and discover how the words you find impact the story!
Named The Best Mobile Puzzle Game at Pocket Gamer Awards 2022! Nominated for Game of the Year at Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2023!
Play thousands of fun and relaxing crossword levels, find hidden words, discover new daily challenges and connect letters into words to progress in the story. Train your brain, improve your English and expand your vocabulary!
Text Express game doesn’t have any time limits or penalties! Relax, connect letters into words, solve crosswords and enjoy a wonderful story. Escape with words!
Connect with friends in the game and play Birdle to solve daily word puzzles! Word hunt together!
Escape into a world full of wonders! Fix and decorate an old train to travel freely around fantasy landscapes! Collect cute souvenirs on the way!
Mysteries, family secrets, adventure, love story - Tilly will experience it all! Unlock word stories with every new chapter.
Makeover time! Decorate and design your train. Dress up Tilly in cute, cool or fantasy outfits.
Text Express is a free-to-play English word game, though some items can be purchased for real money.
Text Express is created by Story Giant Games, a small indie game studio who are experts in combining casual gameplay and strong storytelling, and published by GameHouse Original Stories, a game developer and publisher focused on bringing fun and meaningful gaming experiences to women around the world.
تحميل لعبة Text Express: Word Adventure apk مهكر
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ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 30.1.0
It's Text Express' birthday! Celebrate our first anniversary together with Tilly and Eleanor and all of our friends with a bunch of new events and prizes!
There's always something going on in Text Express! Join the word game adventure: customize your train and characters, choose your own journey, and find treasure along the way in link الرابط من هنا (316)!
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