تحميل لعبة Infection: End of the world apk مهكر
محاكاة تدمير الأرض. لعبة استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام تحميل لعبة Infection: End of the world apk مهكر في ألعاب المحاكاة
Outbreak Infection: End of the world is a mix of strategy, apocalyptic simulation and clicker apocalypse games. End of the world is a real-time strategy extinction simulator apocalypse and natural disaster games. End of the world one of destroying games, cool world games, nuclear apocalypse games.
If you like destruction games, world simulators, earth games, god simulators, then you will like our world destroyer game. This is a virtual destroy earth simulator.
Era of the apocalyptic degradation, aggression, deterioration of the environment, military conflicts for humanity has come. Now you must bring about the end of the world by evolving a destroy, destroying apocalypse and extinction. Play in a clicker strategic simulation of an infectious and catastrophe around the world. Outbreak Infection: End of the world is one of destruction games about infection and extinction. Humanity will try to do whatever they can to stop your infection or catastrophe. Play destruction and think like a strategist.
Outbreak Infection End of the world features.
Every second in the game Outbreak Infection: End of the world is one day. Tap to screen to speed up time for extinction and infection. Follow the indicators: population, increase, decrease, etc. The power of destroying huge in world simulator.
Develop your own extinction strategy. You have a list of destruction apocalyptic skills: disease and infection, degradation, aggression, bad habits, deterioration of the environment, genetic mutations, etc. Events for the apocalypse of the world: infection, climatic catastrophe, man-made disaster, meteorite fall, zombie, machine revolt, natural disaster, nuclear apocalypse. World destroyer simulator for strategy earth games.
Upgrade skills and create earth extinctionevents. The completion of each event depends on the upgraded improvements and affects the victory world destroyer or loss of humanity. Humanity is developing: education, science, army, medicine, etc. Watch that your apocalyptic destroying skills are more than the skills of humanity.
Assume control of your very own extinction apocalypse world game simulator free Outbreak Infection: End of the world. We are waiting for you in world destruction games!
تحميل لعبة Infection: End of the world apk مهكر
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