تحميل لعبة Dog Games: Pet Vet Doctor Care apk مهكر
Super Realistic Dog Simulation Game. Treat, diagnose and take care of the dogs! تحميل لعبة Dog Games: Pet Vet Doctor Care apk مهكر في ألعاب الألعاب البسيطة
Wow, amazing! The pet vet clinic is now open! Let's enter the pet clinic and start a novel veterinarian adventure, this pet clinic packed with various therapeutic types of equipment, care activities, and fun-filled nursing games! Meet 10 different breeds of puppies who are all eager to get your attention. You need to rescue them, heal their injured legs, bathe, groom, dress up, and more! Give a small gift to encourage them after treatment! Seeing them recovering alive after being cured by you will have a lot of sense of accomplishment!
Become a professional vet surgeon now! Explore the little secrets in your pet's life!
1.Take care of your pets when he is sick.
2.Treat injured puppies patiently.
3.Bathe a messy puppy who gets dirty by playing wildly in the wild.
4.Dress up your pet in the most adorable outfits and fashion accessories.
5.Take a photo of your lovely puppies to memorize the moment.
6.Complete tons of missions.
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We design magical virtual adventures with ONE mission - to make kids happy. Be creative. Be stylish. Be fun. Be a Pocket Princess girl.
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