تحميل تطبيق NewProfilePic: Profile Picture برو
Cartoon face & filters to create a character or an avatar from your selfie photo تحميل تطبيق NewProfilePic: Profile Picture برو من تطبيقات الصور الفوتوغرافية
The world around us is fast-paced and always evolving. So why stick to one profile picture on your social media? Let it be different, always new and… made by AI!
Surprise your friends with your ever-changing profile pic. Change your image as often as you want and draw even more attention with this amazing app that is never out of new portrait ideas and technologies. Impress, stand out, and keep everyone interested in what's coming next!
How it works:
- Upload your photo
- Choose from a variety of amazing styles including AI-driven cartoon portraits, fancy art effects, catchy toony filters and more!
- Come back whenever you feel like it, for even more styles and a brand new profile pic!
Why choose NewProfilePic:
- Latest AI technologies inside;
- Constantly updated collection of amazing styles.
تحميل تطبيق NewProfilePic: Profile Picture برو
يمكنك التحميل تطبيق NewProfilePic: Profile Picture برو عبر هذه الروابط :
android تحميل APK v0.5.21 مباشر
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update الإصدارات المتوفرة
ماهو الجديد في الإصدار 0.5.21
Magic is about to happen! Our fresh arrivals are ready to take your pictures to a new level. Update your app and treat yourself to the latest portion of amazing styles! This update also brings some bug fixes and improvements.
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