تحميل تطبيق Shazam برو
معرفة الاغنية من الصوت تحميل تطبيق Shazam برو من تطبيقات الموسيقى والصوت
Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover, artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free. Over 1 billion installs and counting.
“Shazam is an app that feels like magic” - link الرابط من هنا ( link الرابط من هنا
“Shazam is a gift... a game changer” - Pharrell Williams, GQ interview
Think you can Beat Shazam? To find out, play along with the Shazam App while you watch the show!
* Find the name of any song in seconds.
* Listen and add to Apple Music playlists.
* Follow along with time-synced lyrics.
* Watch music videos from Apple Music or YouTube.
* Enable Dark theme on Shazam.
* Use Pop-up Shazam to identify music in any app - Instagram, YouTube, TikTok...
* No connection? No problem! Shazam while offline.
* Turn on Auto Shazam to keep finding songs even when you leave the app.
* Find out what is popular in your country or city with Shazam charts.
* Get recommended songs and playlists to discover new music.
* Open any song directly in Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube Music.
* Share songs with friends through Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and more.
Availability and features may vary by country.
For more information on Shazam’s privacy practices, please read the Privacy Policy, available at link الرابط من هنا .
تحميل تطبيق Shazam برو
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Thanks for Shazaming! We’re always working hard to make the app faster and better than ever. Update to the most recent version to enjoy the latest and greatest Shazam.
Don’t forget to keep your Shazams safe and in sync between your devices. Simply create an account and we’ll back up your Shazams so you’ll never lose them.
Love the app? Rate us! Your feedback is music to our ears, and it helps us make Shazam even
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